My Workspace
Since I was a child, I found myself dreaming about the way life should be, but I never had a platform to express it. As a Black woman, I’ve been discounted my whole life as if I could not have an original thought to share with the world. I’ve seen the opportunities everyday. I have thousands of notes, files, and research accumulated through the years. I’ve tried to share them with people with marginal success. My former mentor, Meg Crofton, past President of Walt Disney World, told me when I presented new ideas, “Marina, you are seven years ahead of yourself, we are not there yet.” I responded, “Isn’t that where businesses want to be, seven years ahead?”
It is because of my existence that I’ve had to navigate this world full of obstacles, daily strategizing and innovating around the roadblocks of my life. Once I fully stopped trying to fit into a white man’s view of the world, embracing who I am and my purpose, the floodgates have opened to something remarkable. People have asked about my writing and why I hadn’t published my weekly article in over a month. Well, I’ve been busy. In a matter of weeks, my life exploded into remarkable revelations about people and their existence. The awakening was born out of another suppressed opportunity of powerful people.
My Workspace is a sample of the work that has already been taking shape. I uncover new connections and opportunities everyday, several times a day. It has been a remarkable journey so far. I want you to follow me as events unfold.
Visit My Workspace regularly for all of the exciting developments.