Aniram LLC

Aniram LLC is a redemptive enterprise focused on community, business, and multimedia development. Our development initiatives are often derived from the adversity in people’s lives and the solutions to overcome them. We endeavor to resolve all human challenges through our nonprofit organization, The Global Resiliency Project, service being the antidote to capitalism.



Community Development

We strive to build more resilient and sustainable communities throughout the world by partnering with some of the best innovators in their fields. We strive to resolve the inequities and unjust systems of society and build communities anyone would be proud to call home.


Business Development

Supporting business development efforts aligned with the needs of its citizens, we look to cultivate opportunities of all kinds. We are engaged in every business sector of society: technology, renewable energy, agriculture, consumer goods, tourism, entertainment, sports, and more. Aniram LLC partners with others for economic growth.


Multi-Media Development

In our work, we journey to unique and undiscovered places, engage with incredible people, experience diverse arts and cultures, and connect to the natural wonders of the earth. We will capture the unique stories of mankind’s evolution and share them in various forms to educate and entertain others while preserving history.