
+ How did you get your name?

I was named after Princess Marina Doria of Naples, Italy. My mom and her sisters idolized her when they were young girls. I visited Princess Marina’s vacation home in Bellagio, Italy years ago.

+ Who had the most influence in your life?

My mom had the most influence in my life. My father died the day after I turned six years old, and my mother became both parents, raising her three young children alone. My values and beliefs are strongly influenced by my mother’s teachings. But, I’ve embraced the essence of my father’s goodness in recent years.

+ Are Black women angry all of the time?

I find this statement so funny each time I hear it. Anger is not necessarily a bad emotion. It shows you are deeply affected but the actions of others. My friend Nicole said, “Black women have ‘passion for a purpose.’” We are naturally fun, good natured, and witty. We don’t want to be upset. But, life’s burdens on us and our families can sometimes be too much. I’ve seen more white women angry than Black women, especially as of late.

+ Are you considered Black privilege?

I hear this often from friends and family members. Today, my life does afford me a few securities. But, it is no where near the wealth of my white friends who benefit from generational wealth and opportunities. More importantly, I’d have to be white to have privilege, because that is the distinguishing element: your race giving you an advantage. Neither my husband nor I inherited anything from our parents except debt. Everything we have today has been accumulated from our hard work.

+ Are you a licensed therapist?

No. I’m your “real” friend, the one who is open and honest with you. I will leave serious issues to the professionals, and I can guide you to the right person for support.

+ Is your family like you, too?

Yes, to some degree. We all share similar beliefs and values, but we leave room for individual thought and expression. Our kids have learned from my husband and me. My husband and I have learned from our kids, too. Our foundation is similar; our differences fill the gap.

+ What are you most proud of?

I am most proud of my independence. I’ve never been afraid to walk alone on any issue. People often call me that “1% rare person” who just sees things differently. I’m okay with that. I’ve challenged lots of status quo issues. My independent thoughts and ideas are what allow me to be open to new issues, experiences, and people. They allow me to solve more problems.

+ What are your weaknesses?

I have many weakness. But the worst is my dislike of willful ignorance. I really struggle with the fact that people don’t take the time to learn. I find it lazy. I research everything. I have an insatiable thirst for knowledge and transferring it to others in order to grow society.

+ What are your strengths?

I have a weird way of seeing patterns and lives within a system. My husband says I have a “grid brain.” I can process the patterns many years into the future, seeing issues before most people can. My former mentor and president of Walt Disney World said, “Marina, you are seven years ahead of yourself.” I use to respond, “Isn’t that where you want to be in business?”

+ Where do you find the time to do everything?

I’ve always been a night owl. Some of my best work comes after midnight. Associates frequently comment about the timestamp on my emails. Honestly, I am usually up researching challenges and how to overcome them. I stumble into other junk, aimlessly browsing the internet.

+ What makes you unique?

Right now, I am having this fascinating experience in my life. It’s as though once I released myself from the burdens of the world, everything started getting easier—friendships, associates, business opportunities, connections and more just started coming to me. I’ve been embracing it all and going with the flow.

+ How do you handle haters?

I am a forgiving person. That’s just who I am at my core. Even when people and institutions have wronged me, I’ve forgiven them. Forgiveness is for your benefit, not that of the other person. But, when I forgive I set new boundaries. I learn from both my positive and negative experiences in life.


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