About Me


Challenging perspectives, inspiring change, building bridges.

With over sixteen years at Walt Disney World, I progressed to ten different roles on new business teams during the company’s largest growth period. With strong vision and instincts, organization and discipline, creativity and endurance, and an effortless way of connecting with and leading people, I earned the reputation as the person who knew how to “get it done” when no one else could. The highest-level executives in the company, including the recently retired Walt Disney World President, Meg Crofton mentored me. I was featured in Black Enterprise Magazine as one of the “Rising Stars” at Disney.

I led initiatives to address the public’s perception of Disney’s unmanaged growth in my role in Community & Government Relations. And, after Disney sponsored my MBA degree, I was assigned to a President-commissioned project to evaluate all of the businesses Walt Disney World newly launched or restructured in the preceding ten years. At the end of the special project, I wrote and presented implementation plans to support Disney’s future growth and development; this work became my signature.


I left Disney to focus on my family. I consulted with a few organizations in Business Development, Organizational Development, and Human Resources. I was scouted by a casting agent and was successful in securing numerous roles in television commercials and industrial films, earning my Screen Actors Guild eligibility. During this time, I also increased my community volunteer activities, rising to executive level roles on local, state and national boards, often being asked to lead new development projects, fundraising events, and communications and technology initiatives.

Currently, I’m building a redemptive enterprise company, Aniram LLC, which evolved out of my nonprofit, The Global Resiliency Project, where we endeavor to resolve all human challenges. We are a network of innovators and developers: community, new business and technology, and multimedia. I’m also using my voice to write and amplify important societal issues. My unique vantage point, work and personal experiences, and professional skill set work well together to challenge perspectives, inspire change, and build bridges to a better world for every human being.

I share a daughter and son with my partner, a financial and business visionary. My daughter is a creative currently working for an award winning Content Marketing firm. And, my son is a college student interested in philosophy and psychology.

I love all livings things, always putting people first. I live life to the fullest, appreciating and engaging in everything that comes my way. I take on challenges of any kind, especially ones that keep humanity from evolving the way God intended.

I’m a work in progress; I’ve learned something from everyone I’ve ever met.

You are an idealist organizer, driven to implement your vision of what is best for humanity. You often act as a catalyst for human growth because of your ability to see potential in other people and your charisma in persuading others to your ideas. You are focused on values and vision, and are passionate about the possibilities for people.
— Truity Personality Profile



I get all kinds of questions. Here are some the most popular ones. If you don’t see an answer, drop me a message and I will get back with you. Please ask about anything. I’m an open book.