Good day, I’m Marina.
Thanks for stopping by.

Do you feel society shifting?

Does it make you feel tense? Not sure what to do?

Forget the distractions online, in the news and media, even at home. Don’t waste your energy getting heated. I am living my best life right now, in the midst of the worse period of our lifetime, because I’ve taken the time to understand my purpose and my passion.

I am here to help you sort it out. It’s easier than you think.


You hold the key

If you want to know more about me, read my bio. I want to know more about you, though. More importantly, I want to be that friend you can come to with the issues you fear addressing with others. See, I’ve been in your position many times, perhaps for different reasons. As a Black woman, I’ve had to manage my emotions and navigate obstacles on my own, often staying silent out of fear of retribution. I understand how you feel. You have to realize that you hold the key to your existence — it has a history, context, and a future.


Embrace a new perspective

Inaction won’t solve anything. All of us are suffering in some way, at some point in our lives. With confusion engulfing us, it’s hard to embrace a new perspective. That’s why I invite you to this conversation; one that will allow us to discuss and learn from each other. One that tries to find answers and resolutions. When I hear your stories, it makes me a better person, and vice versa. And, once we know better, open up with each other, real change can begin to happen. But, we can’t just talk about it all the time. At some point, we have to do something about it.


Join the conversation

Take a look around, read opinion articles, join in the conversation, engage with my work, visit my social media, comment and share.

It’s time to change the world.


About me

I’m just like most people. I am a human being trying to do the best I can for myself and my family. I care about others in society too. I was raised that way and I know what it feels like to not be considered. I didn’t learn hate. I learned love and respect, not just for myself, but for every human being, to be curious and understanding of other people’s lives. I find that showing patience, kindness, and appreciation for other people makes me happy. It makes them happy too.


Let’s talk

There is so much going on in the world and it is hard to decide where to even start a conversation. I’ve shared my perspective on various topics already, but, I want to talk about what’s going on right now. All views are welcome. We become more enlightened when we open our minds to something new. No one is uniquely right. This is our safe place to talk to one another about issues of the day. Thoughtful words and views inspire me. Respectful exchanges helps us all.

The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
— Steve Jobs


As much as I like to talk and learn, it’s what I do with all the knowledge that really moves me. I’d set myself free these past few years, releasing all of my inhibitions, freeing myself completely from the oppression of others. The freedom has brought connections to other people and opportunities that are nothing short of remarkable. I want to improve lives. The right people have found me so easily and miraculously.

The chance to create something different in this world is right in front of me. I see it. Most of society has missed it catering to singular needs and focusing on economics over people. Our efforts to innovate should be more inclusive, considering that most opportunities are born out of adversity. I am going to give you a window into my vision, a space where I work to resolve life’s challenges.



I get all kinds of questions. Here are some of the most popular ones. If you don’t see an answer, drop me a message and I will get back with you.
Please ask about anything. I’m an open book.



For more information about my platform, writing, projects, live conversations, podcasts, or anything else, please feel free to reach out.